So many websites out there. They number in the billions. So many people trying to make their mark in the world wide web. Why start another website? Well I’m hoping to write about things I find useful, especially if I might want to reference it in the future, and especially if I’ve already had to go searching more than once for the information. If I just put it on this site then I won’t have to go searching all the time. Hopefully other people will also find this information useful.
Lately I’ve been doing a lot of coding, and a lot of gaming. Some day I’d like to code a game. But for now I’ll just stick to playing games and coding other things. The closest thing to coding a game I’ve done probably would be plugins for Minecraft. I’ve programmed several Minecraft/Bukkit plugins in the past but due to Minecraft being bought by Microsoft and all the turmoil surrounding all that I’m going to have to wait awhile to update those. I used to run a small Minecraft server which had a really nice little community but now I just have a small, whitelisted vanilla server running. But that isn’t really coding a game exactly, merely plugins for a game.
Although another thing I did when I first started programming many years ago when I was playing around in QuickBASIC was making somewhat of a clone of a game we had as kids called Alien Invaders Plus which I code named Happy Al. I don’t know what ever happened to that but it was a pretty good learning experience at the time. I kind of wish I still had it.
That was how we were taught back then, starting with Watcom BASIC and then eventually QBasic and then to Visual BASIC. After that I found QuickBASIC and played around with it for awhile. Even tried some C at one point and probably some others. I had even successfully dabbled in machine code with WinDasm32 at one point. Then I kind of moved into the field of web development which I’m now self-employed in (though I kind of suck at making graphics). I’ve been starting to work on some Android apps now as well. The new Android 5.0 Lollipop is coming out tomorrow so that is something to look at.
Maybe if things go well I can make some Android apps or maybe even some Android games. But I have a feeling that will be a ways off yet.